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Pro-coustix Hyperflex High Performance Active Acoustic Foam Bass Trap
Pro-coustix Hyperflex High Performance Active Acoustic Foam Bass Trap
Pro-coustix Hyperflex High Performance Active Acoustic Foam Bass Trap
Pro-coustix Hyperflex High Performance Active Acoustic Foam Bass Trap

Pro-coustix Hyperflex High Performance Active Acoustic Foam Bass Trap

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Design features unique to our Hyperflex bass traps.

Industry leading bass absorption design principles

Pro-coustix Hyperflex Bass trap utilises advanced design principles which together combine to form the deadliest bass modedestroying bass trap on the market.

1- Active Weighted Damping Membrane (AWDM)

We’ve use our own aluminium coated weighted membrane to add over to 3Kgs to each bass trapincreasing the weight of each foam bass trap by a factor of 5, drastically lowering the operation frequency of the bass traps compared to foam traps.

2-Aluminium Reinforced Radial Core (ARRC)

Each bass trap is fitted with an aluminium core with a specifically designed curvaturewhich creates a poly-cylindrical surface that increases low frequency absorption whilst scattering upper mid to high frequencies incident on it.The aluminium core has the dual function of providing greater structural stability to the bass trap allowing it withstand the needs of the most demanding applications.

3-High performance acoustic foam

The entire absorption material of the bass trap is made from our own high performance acoustic foam which is a technical, purpose designed foam that delivers unparalleled acoustic absorption across the entire audio spectrum. The uniform open cell structure allows efficient conversion of sound energy to heatwhilst its flexible structure allows the whole bass trap assembly to exhibit greater springiness amplifying the damping effect of the bass trap thereby multiplying the bass absorption effect.

4- Variable Absorption/Diffusion

Unlike other bass traps on the market you can vary between deep bass absorption or mid to high frequency diffusion to create a brighter room. By mounting the bass traps with the radial core facing the room will allow for a diffusion effect in your room, creating a brighter sounding room as frequencies greater than 400Hz get diffused away from the bass trap.

5- Versatile Design for Corner or Wall Mounting

The practical yet attractive design of the bass traps includes angled edges allowing these bass traps to be mounted straddled across the corners of your room allowing the bass trap benefit from the quarter wave length effect further reducing the performance frequency of these bass traps.

Where corners can’t be mounted these panels can be mounted flat against the wall and still continue to deliver unparalleled bass absorption.

6- Fibre Free bass absorption

Until now the only sure way to treat low end bass modes in studios has been fibreglass panels covered in acoustic fabric. Whilst these provide great performance the costs are prohibitive and the danger of having glass fibres from poorly made panels or DIY panels escaping into your studio doesn’t present for the healthiest of workspaces. These bass traps eliminate this completely.

Technical Specifications

Bass Traps

Dimensions Height 850 x 550mm

Nominal density 25Kg/m3
Average NRC 1.2
Fire rating UL94 HF1
Foam Type Polyether foam
Uniform open cell structure
Colour - Studio Grey
Temperature resistance -30 to + 110 degrees Celsius
Fire resistance BS4735, UL94-HF1
Self extinguishing FMVSS 302
Max extent burn 60mm
Weighted absorption coefficient 0.85

Weighted Damping Membrane

Density 16Kg/m3

Tensile STrength 26Kpa


We recommend mounting these bass traps with our ATAC Heavy Duty Acoustic Foam Spray